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Live Demo:


Request URL



All ok. The mail has been successfully sent.

Status: 200 Ok

"message": "Mail sent"

API KEY not found

This error occurs when you do not provide an API key.

Status: 401 Unauthorized

"error": "Not Authorized"

Invalid key

This error occurs when you provide an invalid API key.

Status: 401 Unauthorized

"error": "Invalid key"

Rate Limit

This error happens when your hourly request limit has been exceeded.

Status: 429 Too Many Request

"error": "Too Many Requests"

Invalid payload

This error occurs when you do not provide the required values or provide invalid values.

Status: 400 Bad Request

"error": {
"to": ["The field `to` is required"],
"from": ["The field `from` is required"],
"subject": ["The field `subject` is required"],
"body": ["The field `body` is required"]

Something went wrong

This error occurs when something is wrong on the server.

Status: 500 Internal Server Error

{ "error": "Something went wrong" },